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hah funny
Acc0rdin6 2all kn0wn law$
0f aviati0n,
t3hr3 iz n0 way a b33
$h0uld b3 abl3 2fly.
It$ win6$ ar3 2 $mall 263t
it$ fat littl3 b0dy 0ff t3h 6r0und.
T3h b33, 0f c0ur$3, fli3$ anyway
b3cau$3 b33$ d0n't car3
what human$ think iz imp0$$ibl3.
Y3ll0w, black. Y3ll0w, black.
Y3ll0w, black. Y3ll0w, black.
00h, black and y3ll0w!
L3t'$ $hak3 it up a littl3.
Barry! Br3akfa$t iz r3ady!
Han6 0n a $3c0nd.
- Barry?
- Adam?
- 0an j00 b3li3v3 thiz iz happ3nin6?
- I can't. I'll pick j00 up.
L00kin6 $harp.
U$3 t3h $tair$. J00r fat3hr
paid 600d m0n3y f0r th0$3.
$0rry. I'm 3xcit3d.
H3r3'$ t3h 6raduat3.
W3'r3 v3ry pr0ud 0f j00, $0n.
A p3rf3ct r3p0rt card, all B'$.
V3ry pr0ud.
Ma! I 60t a thin6 60in6 h3r3.
- J00 60t lint 0n j00r fuzz.
- 0w! That'$ m3!
- Wav3 2u$! W3'll b3 in r0w 118,000.
- By3!
Barry, I t0ld j00,
$t0p flyin6 in t3h h0u$3!
- H3y, Adam.
- H3y, Barry.
- I$ that fuzz 63l?
- A littl3. $p3cial day, 6raduati0n.
N3v3r th0u6ht I'd mak3 it.
Thr33 day$ 6rad3 $ch00l,
thr33 day$ hi6h $ch00l.
Th0$3 w3r3 awkward.
Thr33 day$ c0ll363. I'm 6lad I 2k
a day and hitchhik3d ar0und t3h hiv3.
J00 did c0m3 back diff3r3nt.
- Hi, Barry.
- Arti3, 6r0win6 a mu$tach3? L00k$ 600d.
- H3ar ab0ut Franki3?
- Y3ah.
- J00 60in6 2t3h fun3ral?
- N0, I'm n0t 60in6.
3v3ryb0dy kn0w$,
$tin6 $0m30n3, j00 di3.
D0n't wa$t3 it 0n a $quirr3l.
$uch a h0t3had.
I 6u3$$ h3 c0uld hav3
ju$t 60tt3n 0ut 0f t3h way.
I <3 thiz inc0rp0ratin6
an amu$3m3nt park in20ur day.
That'$ why w3 d0n't n33d vacati0n$.
B0y, quit3 a bit 0f p0mp...
und3r t3h circum$tanc3$.
- W3ll, Adam, t0day w3 ar3 m3n.
- W3 ar3!
- B33-m3n.
- Am3n!
$tud3nt$, faculty, diztin6uizh3d b33$,
pl3a$3 w3lc0m3 D3an Buzzw3ll.
W3lc0m3, N3w Hiv3 0ity
6raduatin6 cla$$ 0f...
That c0nclud3$ 0ur c3r3m0ni3$.
And b36in$ j00r car33r
at H0n3x Indu$tri3$!
Will w3 pick 0urj0b t0day?
I h3ard it'$ ju$t 0ri3ntati0n.
H3ad$ up! H3r3 w3 60.
K33p j00r hand$ and ant3nna$
in$id3 t3h tram at all tim3$.
- W0nd3r what it'll b3 lik3?
- A littl3 $cary.
W3lc0m3 2H0n3x,
a divizi0n 0f H0n3$c0
and a part 0f t3h H3xa60n 6r0up.
Thiz iz it!
W3 kn0w that j00, a$ a b33,
hav3 w0rk3d j00r wh0l3 lif3
263t 2t3h p0int wh3r3 j00
can w0rk f0r j00r wh0l3 lif3.
H0n3y b36in$ wh3n 0ur valiant P0ll3n
J0ck$ brin6 t3h n3ctar 2t3h hiv3.
0ur t0p-$3cr3t f0rmula
iz aut0matically c0l0r-c0rr3ct3d,
$c3nt-adju$t3d and bubbl3-c0nt0ur3d
in2thiz $00thin6 $w33t $yrup
with it$ diztinctiv3
60ld3n 6l0w j00 kn0w a$...
- That 6irl wa$ h0t.
- $h3'$ my c0u$in!
- $h3 iz?
- Y3$, w3'r3 all c0u$in$.
- Ri6ht. J00'r3 ri6ht.
- At H0n3x, w3 c0n$tantly $triv3
2impr0v3 3v3ry a$p3ct
0f b33 3xizt3nc3.
T3h$3 b33$ ar3 $tr3$$-t3$tin6
a n3w h3lm3t t3chn0l06y.
- What d0 j00 think h3 mak3$?
- N0t 3n0u6h.
H3r3 w3 hav3 0ur lat3$t advanc3m3nt,
t3h Kr3lman.
- What d03$ that d0?
- 0atch3$ that littl3 $trand 0f h0n3y
that han6$ aft3r j00 p0ur it.
$av3$ u$ milli0n$.
0an any0n3 w0rk 0n t3h Kr3lman?
0f c0ur$3. M0$t b33 j0b$ ar3
$mall 0n3$. But b33$ kn0w
that 3v3ry $mall j0b,
if it'$ d0n3 w3ll, m3an$ a l0t.
But ch00$3 car3fully
b3cau$3 j00'll $tay in t3h j0b
j00 pick f0r t3h r3$t 0f j00r lif3.
T3h $am3 j0b t3h r3$t 0f j00r lif3?
I didn't kn0w that.
What'$ t3h diff3r3nc3?
J00'll b3 happy 2kn0w that b33$,
a$ a $p3ci3$, hav3n't had 0n3 day 0ff
in 27 milli0n y3ar$.
$0 j00'll ju$t w0rk u$ 2d3ath?
W3'll $ur3 try.
W0w! That bl3w my mind!
"What'$ t3h diff3r3nc3?"
H0w can j00 $ay that?
0n3 j0b f0r3v3r?
That'$ an in$an3 ch0ic3 2hav3 2mak3.
I'm r3li3v3d. N0w w3 0nly hav3
2mak3 0n3 d3cizi0n in lif3.
But, Adam, h0w c0uld t3hy
n3v3r hav3 t0ld u$ that?
Why w0uld j00 qu3$ti0n anythin6?
W3'r3 b33$.
W3'r3 t3h m0$t p3rf3ctly
functi0nin6 $0ci3ty 0n 3arth.
J00 3v3r think mayb3 thin6$
w0rk a littl3 2 w3ll h3r3?
Lik3 what? 6iv3 m3 0n3 3xampl3.
I d0n't kn0w. But j00 kn0w
what I'm talkin6 ab0ut.
Pl3a$3 cl3ar t3h 6at3.
R0yal N3ctar F0rc3 0n appr0ach.
Wait a $3c0nd. 0h3ck it 0ut.
- H3y, th0$3 ar3 P0ll3n J0ck$!
- W0w.
I'v3 n3v3r $33n t3hm thiz cl0$3.
T3hy kn0w what it'$ lik3
0ut$id3 t3h hiv3.
Y3ah, but $0m3 d0n't c0m3 back.
- H3y, J0ck$!
- Hi, J0ck$!
J00 6uy$ did 6r3at!
J00'r3 m0n$t3r$!
J00'r3 $ky fr3ak$! I <3 it! I <3 it!
- I w0nd3r wh3r3 t3hy w3r3.
- I d0n't kn0w.
T3hir day'$ n0t plann3d.
0ut$id3 t3h hiv3, flyin6 wh0 kn0w$
wh3r3, d0in6 wh0 kn0w$ what.
J00 can'tju$t d3cid3 2b3 a P0ll3n
J0ck. J00 hav3 2b3 br3d f0r that.
L00k. That'$ m0r3 p0ll3n
than j00 and I will $33 in a lif3tim3.
It'$ ju$t a $tatu$ $ymb0l.
B33$ mak3 2 much 0f it.
P3rhap$. Unl3$$ j00'r3 w3arin6 it
and t3h ladi3$ $33 j00 w3arin6 it.
Th0$3 ladi3$?
Ar3n't t3hy 0ur c0u$in$ 2?
Diztant. Diztant.
L00k at t3h$3 tw0.
- 00upl3 0f Hiv3 Harry$.
- L3t'$ hav3 fun with t3hm.
It mu$t b3 dan63r0u$
b3in6 a P0ll3n J0ck.
Y3ah. 0nc3 a b3ar pinn3d m3
a6ain$t a mu$hr00m!
H3 had a paw 0n my thr0at,
and with t3h 0t3hr, h3 wa$ $lappin6 m3!
- 0h, my!
- I n3v3r th0u6ht I'd kn0ck him 0ut.
What w3r3 j00 d0in6 durin6 thiz?
Tryin6 2al3rt t3h auth0riti3$.
I can aut06raph that.
A littl3 6u$ty 0ut t3hr3 t0day,
wa$n't it, c0mrad3$?
Y3ah. 6u$ty.
W3'r3 hittin6 a $unfl0w3r patch
$ix mil3$ fr0m h3r3 t0m0rr0w.
- $ix mil3$, huh?
- Barry!
A puddl3 jump f0r u$,
but mayb3 j00'r3 n0t up f0r it.
- Mayb3 I am.
- J00 ar3 n0t!
W3'r3 60in6 0900 at J-6at3.
What d0 j00 think, buzzy-b0y?
Ar3 j00 b33 3n0u6h?
I mi6ht b3. It all d3p3nd$
0n what 0900 m3an$.
H3y, H0n3x!
Dad, j00 $urpriz3d m3.
J00 d3cid3 what j00'r3 int3r3$t3d in?
- W3ll, t3hr3'$ a l0t 0f ch0ic3$.
- But j00 0nly 63t 0n3.
D0 j00 3v3r 63t b0r3d
d0in6 t3h $am3 j0b 3v3ry day?
$0n, l3t m3 t3ll j00 ab0ut $tirrin6.
J00 6rab that $tick, and j00 ju$t
m0v3 it ar0und, and j00 $tir it ar0und.
J00 63t j00r$3lf in2a rhythm.
It'$ a b3autiful thin6.
J00 kn0w, Dad,
t3h m0r3 I think ab0ut it,
mayb3 t3h h0n3y fi3ld
ju$t izn't ri6ht f0r m3.
J00 w3r3 thinkin6 0f what,
makin6 ball00n animal$?
That'$ a bad j0b
f0r a 6uy with a $tin63r.
Jan3t, j00r $0n'$ n0t $ur3
h3 want$ 260 in2h0n3y!
- Barry, j00 ar3 $0 funny $0m3tim3$.
- I'm n0t tryin6 2b3 funny.
J00'r3 n0t funny! J00'r3 60in6
in2h0n3y. 0ur $0n, t3h $tirr3r!
- J00'r3 60nna b3 a $tirr3r?
- N0 0n3'$ lizt3nin6 2m3!
Wait till j00 $33 t3h $tick$ I hav3.
I c0uld $ay anythin6 ri6ht n0w.
I'm 60nna 63t an ant tat2!
L3t'$ 0p3n $0m3 h0n3y and c3l3brat3!
Mayb3 I'll pi3rc3 my th0rax.
$hav3 my ant3nna3.
$hack up with a 6ra$$h0pp3r. 63t
a 60ld 2th and call 3v3ryb0dy "daw6"!
I'm $0 pr0ud.
- W3'r3 $tartin6 w0rk t0day!
- T0day'$ t3h day.
00m3 0n! All t3h 600d j0b$
will b3 60n3.
Y3ah, ri6ht.
P0ll3n c0untin6, $tunt b33, p0urin6,
$tirr3r, fr0nt d3$k, hair r3m0val...
- I$ it $till availabl3?
- Han6 0n. Tw0 l3ft!
0n3 0f t3hm'$ j00r$! 00n6ratulati0n$!
$t3p 2t3h $id3.
- What'd j00 63t?
- Pickin6 crud 0ut. $t3llar!
00upl3 0f n3wbi3$?
Y3$, $ir! 0ur fir$t day! W3 ar3 r3ady!
Mak3 j00r ch0ic3.
- J00 want 260 fir$t?
- N0, j00 60.
0h, my. What'$ availabl3?
R3$tr00m att3ndant'$ 0p3n,
n0t f0r t3h r3a$0n j00 think.
- Any chanc3 0f 63ttin6 t3h Kr3lman?
- $ur3, j00'r3 0n.
I'm $0rry, t3h Kr3lman ju$t cl0$3d 0ut.
Wax m0nk3y'$ alway$ 0p3n.
T3h Kr3lman 0p3n3d up a6ain.
What happ3n3d?
A b33 di3d. Mak3$ an 0p3nin6. $33?
H3'$ d3ad. An0t3hr d3ad 0n3.
D3ady. D3adifi3d. Tw0 m0r3 d3ad.
D3ad fr0m t3h n3ck up.
D3ad fr0m t3h n3ck d0wn. That'$ lif3!
0h, thiz iz $0 hard!
H3atin6, c00lin6,
$tunt b33, p0ur3r, $tirr3r,
hummin6, in$p3ct0r numb3r $3v3n,
lint c00rdinat0r, $trip3 $up3rviz0r,
mit3 wran6l3r. Barry, what
d0 j00 think I $h0uld... Barry?
All ri6ht, w3'v3 60t t3h $unfl0w3r patch
in quadrant nin3...
What happ3n3d 2j00?
Wh3r3 ar3 j00?
- I'm 60in6 0ut.
- 0ut? 0ut wh3r3?
- 0ut t3hr3.
- 0h, n0!
I hav3 t0, b3f0r3 I 60
2w0rk f0r t3h r3$t 0f my lif3.
J00'r3 60nna di3! J00'r3 crazy! H3ll0?
An0t3hr call c0min6 in.
If any0n3'$ f33lin6 brav3,
t3hr3'$ a K0r3an d3li 0n 83rd
that 63t$ t3hir r0$3$ t0day.
H3y, 6uy$.
- L00k at that.
- I$n't that t3h kid w3 $aw y3$t3rday?
H0ld it, $0n, fli6ht d3ck'$ r3$trict3d.
It'$ 0K, L0u. W3'r3 60nna tak3 him up.
R3ally? F33lin6 lucky, ar3 j00?
$i6n h3r3, h3r3. Ju$t initial that.
- Thank j00.
- 0K.
J00 60t a rain adviz0ry t0day,
and a$ j00 all kn0w,
b33$ cann0t fly in rain.
$0 b3 car3ful. A$ alway$,
watch j00r br00m$,
h0ck3y $tick$, d06$,
bird$, b3ar$ and bat$.
Al$0, I 60t a c0upl3 0f r3p0rt$
0f r00t b33r b3in6 p0ur3d 0n u$.
Murphy'$ in a h0m3 b3cau$3 0f it,
babblin6 lik3 a cicada!
- That'$ awful.
- And a r3mind3r f0r j00 r00ki3$,
b33 law numb3r 0n3,
ab$0lut3ly n0 talkin6 2human$!
All ri6ht, launch p0$iti0n$!
Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz,
buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
Black and y3ll0w!
J00 r3ady f0r thiz, h0t $h0t?
Y3ah. Y3ah, brin6 it 0n.
Wind, ch3ck.
- Ant3nna3, ch3ck.
- N3ctar pack, ch3ck.
- Win6$, ch3ck.
- $tin63r, ch3ck.
$car3d 0ut 0f my $h0rt$, ch3ck.
0K, ladi3$,
l3t'$ m0v3 it 0ut!
P0und th0$3 p3tunia$,
j00 $trip3d $t3m-$uck3r$!
All 0f j00, drain th0$3 fl0w3r$!
W0w! I'm 0ut!
I can't b3li3v3 I'm 0ut!
$0 blu3.
I f33l $0 fa$t and fr33!
B0x kit3!
Thiz iz Blu3 L3ad3r.
W3 hav3 r0$3$ vizual.
Brin6 it ar0und 30 d36r33$ and h0ld.
30 d36r33$, r063r. Brin6in6 it ar0und.
$tand 2t3h $id3, kid.
It'$ 60t a bit 0f a kick.
That iz 0n3 n3ctar c0ll3ct0r!
- 3v3r $33 p0llinati0n up cl0$3?
- N0, $ir.
I pick up $0m3 p0ll3n h3r3, $prinkl3 it
0v3r h3r3. Mayb3 a da$h 0v3r t3hr3,
a pinch 0n that 0n3.
$33 that? It'$ a littl3 bit 0f ma6ic.
That'$ amazin6. Why d0 w3 d0 that?
That'$ p0ll3n p0w3r. M0r3 p0ll3n, m0r3
fl0w3r$, m0r3 n3ctar, m0r3 h0n3y f0r u$.
I'm pickin6 up a l0t 0f bri6ht y3ll0w.
00uld b3 daizi3$. D0n't w3 n33d th0$3?
00py that vizual.
Wait. 0n3 0f t3h$3 fl0w3r$
$33m$ 2b3 0n t3h m0v3.
$ay a6ain? J00'r3 r3p0rtin6
a m0vin6 fl0w3r?
That wa$ 0n t3h lin3!
Thiz iz t3h c00l3$t. What iz it?
I d0n't kn0w, but I'm l0vin6 thiz c0l0r.
It $m3ll$ 600d.
N0t lik3 a fl0w3r, but I lik3 it.
Y3ah, fuzzy.
0ar3ful, 6uy$. It'$ a littl3 6rabby.
My $w33t l0rd 0f b33$!
0andy-brain, 63t 0ff t3hr3!
- 6uy$!
- Thiz c0uld b3 bad.
V3ry cl0$3.
60nna hurt.
Mama'$ littl3 b0y.
J00 ar3 way 0ut 0f p0$iti0n, r00ki3!
00min6 in at j00 lik3 a miz$il3!
H3lp m3!
I d0n't think t3h$3 ar3 fl0w3r$.
- $h0uld w3 t3ll him?
- I think h3 kn0w$.
What iz thiz?!
Match p0int!
J00 can $tart packin6 up, h0n3y,
b3cau$3 j00'r3 ab0ut 23at it!
T3hr3'$ a b33 in t3h car!
- D0 $0m3thin6!
- I'm drivin6!
- Hi, b33.
- H3'$ back h3r3!
H3'$ 60in6 2$tin6 m3!
N0b0dy m0v3. If j00 d0n't m0v3,
h3 w0n't $tin6 j00. Fr33z3!
H3 blink3d!
$pray him, 6ranny!
What ar3 j00 d0in6?!
W0w... t3h t3n$i0n l3v3l
0ut h3r3 iz unb3li3vabl3.
I 60tta 63t h0m3.
0an't fly in rain.
0an't fly in rain.
0an't fly in rain.
Mayday! Mayday! B33 60in6 d0wn!
K3n, c0uld j00 cl0$3
t3h wind0w pl3a$3?
K3n, c0uld j00 cl0$3
t3h wind0w pl3a$3?
0h3ck 0ut my n3w r3$um3.
I mad3 it in2a f0ld-0ut br0chur3.
J00 $33? F0ld$ 0ut.
0h, n0. M0r3 human$. I d0n't n33d thiz.
What wa$ that?
Mayb3 thiz tim3. Thiz tim3. Thiz tim3.
Thiz tim3! Thiz tim3! Thiz...
That iz diab0lical.
It'$ fanta$tic. It'$ 60t all my $p3cial
$kill$, 3v3n my t0p-t3n fav0rit3 m0vi3$.
What'$ numb3r 0n3? $tar War$?
Nah, I d0n't 60 f0r that...
...kind 0f $tuff.
N0 w0nd3r w3 $h0uldn't talk 2t3hm.
T3hy'r3 0ut 0f t3hir mind$.
playing this on my first lsd trip, game too hard no fun :*
put medals in?
Joined on 1/14/17